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Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness, M.P.H.

Students sort bottle of prescription drugs

Saint Louis University is a pioneer in biosecurity and disaster preparedness training and was one of the first to offer a degree program in the field. 该专业的教师和学生积极参与了COVID-19的应对工作. 

在博彩网址大全,你可以得到 公共卫生硕士 with a concentration in biosecurity and disaster preparedness or pair your study of biosecurity and disaster preparedness with coursework focusing on 流行病学 or global health. You can also get a certificate in the discipline. Each prepares you for a wide range of senior leadership roles in the 防止ion of and response to both natural and manmade disasters and can be completed entirely online or in a traditional classroom setting.

Training in biosecurity and disaster preparedness trains you to help 防止 biological terrorism and build effective rapid response capabilities for organizations throughout the public and private sectors. You can work to curb emerging infectious disease outbreaks in crops and livestock that threaten our food supplies, 或者你可以发展, implement and assess strategies for governmental agencies, 第一响应者和行业有效应对自然灾害,如飓风, 洪水和地震.


  • You can choose to study biosecurity and disaster preparedness at Saint Louis University in an entirely online format, 或者采用“混合”格式, which combines online and in-person classes. All of our programs are fully accredited and competency-based.
  • 专为自我激励,成熟和行动导向的学习者,在线M.P.H. 生物安全和灾难准备证书是异步教授的, providing students with access to lectures, discussion boards and coursework from any location, 在任何时候, 通过画布, an industry-leading standard for higher education.
  • Our instructors are well-established in their professional fields and have extensive experience in online teaching techniques. Our online classes are not correspondence courses; student-faculty interaction is an invaluable component of the BSDP learning environment.


Biosecurity measures are aimed at mitigating, 防止, 准备, 对可能伤害人类的自然或人为生物事件作出反应或从中恢复, 动物还是环境.

博彩网址大全, you will learn about recent 公共卫生 emergencies like the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as well as other threats such as anthrax, 禽流感, 肉毒中毒, 基孔肯雅热, 登革热, 埃博拉病毒, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (MERS Co-V), 尼帕, 瘟疫, severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus (SARS Co-V), 天花, 兔热病和寨卡病毒.

这些是复杂的人道主义事件,需要采取多学科办法, 结合临床医学, 公共卫生, 兽医, 流行病学, 环境卫生, 业务, 执法 and emergency management.

学会帮助减轻, 防止, 为......准备, 回复, 或者从可能伤害人类的自然或人为生物事件中恢复过来, 动物, 或者环境. M区的学生.P.H. biosecurity and disaster preparedness concentration develop the skills to help 防止 biological terrorism and build effective rapid response capabilities for organizations throughout the public and private sectors.  Students will also learn about recent 公共卫生 emergencies like the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as well as other threats such as anthrax, 禽流感, 肉毒中毒, 埃博拉病毒, 瘟疫, 天花, 和Zika病毒. 与流行病学的联合集中也可提供额外的六个学分.

Fieldwork and 研究 Opportunities

博彩网址大全的米.P.H. 该计划旨在为学生提供任何公共卫生事业所需的实用技能. 超过50%的M.P.H. 学生在课程要求之外与教师一起进行研究项目.

Students complete an internship after their first year of study to gain practical experience in their chosen career path. 学生们在各种各样的环境中实习,从当地的非营利组织到学术研究中心, 州和联邦机构, 多边机构. 学生使用M.P.H实习协调员和他们的指导老师确定合适的St实习. Louis, nationally, or across the globe.

博彩网址大全's faculty members are involved locally, 在国内和国际生物安全相关的研究和实践. 他们是该领域的领导者,了解当前的做法和政策. 他们活跃于:

  • Supporting local health departments and hospital systems. 
  • COVID-19个人防护装备的选择和正确使用, 埃博拉和其他新出现的病原体
  • Laboratory biosafety policies and compliance regulations
  • 对卫生保健人员和急救人员长期使用呼吸防护的影响
  • Influencing factors and barriers to vaccine uptake
  • Increasing resilience among individuals, agencies and communities
  • 最大限度地大规模分配生物事件的医疗对策
  • 卫生政策
  • 人畜共患病


受全球化驱动, 新发传染病, 恐怖主义的威胁, 和更多的, the field of biosecurity is rapidly expanding. You will be able to work in the military, 执法, 公共卫生, 以及州和地方政府.

There are also a variety of private-sector or nonprofit employers that require emergency management specialists for situations where emergencies are prone to happen or could be potentially devastating. Examples of these employers include hospitals and health systems, 大公司, 大专院校和各种社区救济组织,如红十字会.

Within the first year of graduation, the vast majority of M.P.H. graduates are beginning their careers, participating in fellowships or furthering their graduate education.


  • Biological safety or biosecurity officer
  • 生物恐怖主义流行病学家
  • 业务连续性顾问
  • 应急管理主任
  • 灾难协调员
  • 埃博拉病毒专家
  • 应急协调员
  • 感染防止ionist
  • Public health emergency preparedness manager


学费 每学分成本
研究生学费 $1,310

可能会收取额外费用. 其他资源如下:






The College for Public Health and Social Justice offers several ways to help finance graduate education.  Opportunities include a limited number of merit-based scholarships and graduate research assistantships.  Awards are made to applicants with the highest combinations of GPAs and test scores who complete their applications by the priority deadlines.

欲了解更多信息,请访问学生金融服务办公室 http://finaid.3600151.com.


Saint Louis University's College for Public Health and Social Justice is fully accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). To see our most recent accreditation documentation, please visit the College for Public Health and Social Justice website.


Evidence-based Approaches to Public Health

  • Graduates will be able to apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in 公共卫生 practice.
  • Graduates will be able to select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given 公共卫生 context.
  • 毕业生将能够使用生物统计学分析定量和定性数据, 信息学, computer-based programming and software, 适当的.
  • 毕业生将能够解释公共卫生研究的数据分析结果, 政策或实践.

Public Health and Health Care Systems

  • Graduates will be able to compare the organization, structure and function of health care, 国家和国际环境中的公共卫生和监管系统.
  • Graduates will be able to discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, 社区和系统层面.

Planning and Management to Promote Health

  • Graduates will be able to assess population needs, assets and capacities that affect communities’ health.
  • 毕业生将能够将文化价值和实践意识应用到设计中, 实现, or critique of 公共卫生 policies or programs.
  • 毕业生将能够设计以人口为基础的政策、计划、项目或干预措施.
  • 毕业生将能够解释预算和资源管理的基本原则和工具.
  • 毕业生将能够选择评估公共卫生项目的方法.


  • 毕业生将能够讨论决策过程的多个维度, including the roles of ethics and evidence.
  • Graduates will be able to propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing 公共卫生 outcomes.
  • Graduates will be able to advocate for political, 改善不同人群健康状况的社会或经济政策和计划.
  • 毕业生将能够评估政策对公共卫生和卫生公平的影响.


  • 毕业生将能够运用领导和/或管理原则来解决相关问题.
  • Graduates will be able to apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges.


  • 毕业生将能够为不同的受众和行业选择传播策略.
  • 毕业生将能够传达适合观众的公共卫生内容, both in writing and through oral presentation.
  • Graduates will be able to describe the importance of cultural competence in communicating 公共卫生 content.


  • Graduates will be able to integrate perspectives from other sectors and/or professions to promote and advance population health.


  • Graduates will be able to apply a systems thinking tool to visually represent a 公共卫生 issue in a format other than a standard narrative. 


申请人应具有学士学位或同等学历, 化学或生物科学, or six credits of college-level courses individually in chemistry, 生物学和物理科学, with an overall grade point average of 3.00 or better in the science courses; however, applicants will be considered on an individual basis.


Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until classes are full. 应用 using the centralized application service SOPHAS


所有申请人都将使用全面的申请审查程序进行考虑, 包括面对面, phone or Zoom interview with the graduate admissions director.


  • 申请表格及费用
  • 成绩单(s)
  • 三封推荐信
  • 简历/简历
  • 职业目标陈述

应用 using the centralized application service SOPHAS.

需求 for International Students

所有国内学生的博彩网址大全政策和要求适用于国际学生. 国际学生还必须满足以下额外要求:

  • 演示 英语语言能力
  • Financial documents are required to complete an application for admission and be reviewed for admission and merit scholarships. 
  • Proof of financial support that must include:
    • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding the student's time at Saint Louis University
    • A letter from the sponsor's bank verifying that the funds are available and will be so for the duration of the student's study at the University
  • 学习成绩, 英文翻译, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括:
    • Courses taken and/or lectures attended
    • 实际实验室工作
    • The maximum and minimum grades attainable
    • The grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations
    • 获得的荣誉或学位.

WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.


HCE 5020公共卫生中的伦理问题3
or PUBH 5020 公共卫生中的伦理问题
PUBH 5010Mission and Practice of Global Public Health2
PUBH 5030Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health3
PUBH 5040Generating Evidence from Public Health Data3
PUBH 5050Health Care Across the Life Course: From Policy to Practice3
PUBH 5060Environmental and Biological Determinants of Health3
PUBH 5070Translating Evidence and Theory for Community Practice3
PUBH 5910Practice Experience in Public Health1
PUBH 5950考试特别研究0
PUBH 5960公共卫生实践顶点课程3
Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness24
Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness / 流行病学 Joint30

 Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness Concentration

Required core courses listed above and the following:
BSDP 5100公共卫生与灾害3
BSDP 5101灾害规划基础3
BSDP 5103Communicable Diseases and Infection Control3
BSDP 5104公共卫生生态学3
BSDP 5203Disaster Planning for Infectious Disease Disasters3
BSDP 5206Disaster Management and Risk Analysis3
选修选修 chosen in consultation with mentor6


Required core courses listed above and the following:
BSDP 5100公共卫生与灾害3
BSDP 5101灾害规划基础3
BSDP 5103Communicable Diseases and Infection Control3
BSDP 5104公共卫生生态学3
BSDP 5203Disaster Planning for Infectious Disease Disasters3
BSDP 5206Disaster Management and Risk Analysis3
英国夏令时5100Introduction to General Linear Modeling3
EPI 5020流行病学方法II3
选修选修 chosen in consultation with mentor6


Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.

路线图s are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness Concentration (hybrid)

BSDP 5100 公共卫生与灾害 3
BSDP 5103 Communicable Diseases and Infection Control 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
PUBH 5070 Translating Evidence and Theory for Community Practice 3
MPH专业发展系列:第一年需要完成6个课程(先决条件) PUBH 5910).  
BSDP 5104 公共卫生生态学 3
PUBH 5030 Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health 3
PUBH 5040 Generating Evidence from Public Health Data 3
MPH专业发展系列:第一年需要完成6个课程(先决条件) PUBH 5910).  
BSDP 5101 灾害规划基础 3
BSDP 5206 Disaster Management and Risk Analysis 3
PUBH 5060 Environmental and Biological Determinants of Health 3
PUBH 5020 公共卫生中的伦理问题 3
选修BSDP 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
选修BSDP 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
BSDP 5203 Disaster Planning for Infectious Disease Disasters 3
PUBH 5050 Health Care Across the Life Course: From Policy to Practice 3
PUBH 5950 考试特别研究 0
PUBH 5960 公共卫生实践顶点课程 3
PUBH 5910 Practice Experience in Public Health 1

Biosecurity and Disaster Preparedness Concentration (online full-time)

BSDP 5100 公共卫生与灾害 3
BSDP 5103 Communicable Diseases and Infection Control 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
MPH专业发展系列:第一年需要完成6个课程(先决条件) PUBH 5910). Online only students will be required to watch the sessions via the recordings posted on Canvas and write a 500-word reflection on each.  
BSDP 5104 公共卫生生态学 3
PUBH 5030 Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health 3
PUBH 5070 Translating Evidence and Theory for Community Practice 3
MPH专业发展系列:第一年需要完成6个课程(先决条件) PUBH 5910). Online only students will be required to watch the sessions via the recordings posted on Canvas and write a 500-word reflection on each.  
BSDP 5101 灾害规划基础 3
BSDP 5206 Disaster Management and Risk Analysis 3
PUBH 5040 Generating Evidence from Public Health Data 3
PUBH 5060 Environmental and Biological Determinants of Health 3
选修BSDP 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
选修BSDP 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
PUBH 5050 Health Care Across the Life Course: From Policy to Practice 3
BSDP 5203 Disaster Planning for Infectious Disease Disasters 3
PUBH 5950 考试特别研究 0
PUBH 5960 公共卫生实践顶点课程 3
PUBH 5020 公共卫生中的伦理问题 3
PUBH 5910 Practice Experience in Public Health 1


BSDP 5103 Communicable Diseases and Infection Control 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
MPH Professional Development Series: Completion of 6 sessions required during Year 1 or 2 (prerequisite for PUBH 5910). Online only students will be required to watch the sessions via the recordings posted on Canvas and write a 500-word reflection on each.  
BSDP 5104 公共卫生生态学 3
PUBH 5030 Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health 3
MPH Professional Development Series: Completion of 4 sessions required during Year 1 or 2 (prerequisite for PUBH 5910). Online only students will be required to watch the sessions via the recordings posted on Canvas and write a 500-word reflection on each.  
BSDP 5101 灾害规划基础 3
BSDP 5206 Disaster Management and Risk Analysis 3
BSDP 5100 公共卫生与灾害 3
选修BSDP 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
BSDP 5203 Disaster Planning for Infectious Disease Disasters 3
PUBH 5070 Translating Evidence and Theory for Community Practice 3
PUBH 5040 Generating Evidence from Public Health Data 3
PUBH 5020 公共卫生中的伦理问题 3
PUBH 5060 Environmental and Biological Determinants of Health 3
选修BSDP 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
PUBH 5050 Health Care Across the Life Course: From Policy to Practice 3
PUBH 5950 考试特别研究 0
PUBH 5960 公共卫生实践顶点课程 3
PUBH 5910 Practice Experience in Public Health 1


BSDP 5103 Communicable Diseases and Infection Control 3
PUBH 5010 Mission and Practice of Global Public Health 2
PUBH 5030 Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health 3
PUBH 5040 Generating Evidence from Public Health Data 3
MPH专业发展系列:第一年需要完成6个课程(先决条件) PUBH 5910).  
BSDP 5104 公共卫生生态学 3
BSDP 5203 Disaster Planning for Infectious Disease Disasters 3
EPI 5020 流行病学方法II 3
PUBH 5070 Translating Evidence and Theory for Community Practice 3
MPH专业发展系列:第一年需要完成6个课程(先决条件) PUBH 5910).  
BSDP 5101 灾害规划基础 3
BSDP 5206 Disaster Management and Risk Analysis 3
PUBH 5020 公共卫生中的伦理问题 3
BSDP 5100 公共卫生与灾害 3
英国夏令时5100 Introduction to General Linear Modeling 3
PUBH 5060 Environmental and Biological Determinants of Health 3
选修EPI 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
PUBH 5050 Health Care Across the Life Course: From Policy to Practice 3
PUBH 5950 考试特别研究 0
PUBH 5960 公共卫生实践顶点课程 3
选修EPI 选修 chosen in consultation with mentor 3
PUBH 5910 Practice Experience in Public Health 1


For additional admission questions, please contact:
Director of Graduate Recruitment and 博彩网址大全