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The Shared Mission program offers an in-depth, community-based opportunity for faculty, staff, administrators and trustees of Saint Louis 大学. This foundational program opens the door for deeper participation in the wide variety of mission programs offered by 博彩网址大全's Division for 使命与身份. The ongoing formation of our community strengthens the Catholic 耶稣会的使命 of the university, a mission steeped in over five centuries of history in the Ignatian tradition yet arguably more vital now than 以往任何时候.

 Over the course of an academic year, six Ignatian luncheons bring together small group cohorts to meet, learn, discuss, integrate the history, impact and lived reality of the 耶稣会的使命 and Ignatian identity of Saint Louis 大学. Participants in the Shared Mission program come from diverse academic, professional and religious backgrounds. All are welcome to participate as we seek to form an Ignatian “band of companions” centered on mission as we build a community 归属感. 注册在这里 for the Ignatian luncheons.

Program Content and 外卖s

Session 1: The Mission of Saint Louis 大学
  1. The Catholic 耶稣会的使命 in education
  2. Mission, Identity, Community
  3. Contributing to the mission


  • An introduction to some of the basic principles of the Catholic, 耶稣会的使命 of Saint Louis 大学:
  • Do I have to be Catholic to participate in the mission?
  • What does mission look like in my own particular department/discipline?
  • What part can I play in the mission?
  • How does the Jesuit identity “show up” in the mission?

Session 2: Saint Ignatius of Loyola
  1. 这名士兵
  2. 朝圣者
  3. 的同伴
  4. 创始人


A focus on Jesuit identity by telling the story of St. Ignatius, an invitation to find parallels in our own life stories:

  • Why is the life of Ignatius relevant to our mission today?
  • What does it mean to “find God in all things” in a university setting?
  • What role does community play in carrying out, maximizing the impact of, the mission?
  • How can setbacks become invitations to something new?

Session 3: The Society of Jesus Throughout History
  1. Early Jesuits and their Contributions    
  2. The Society and Slavery
  3. Contemporary Initiatives


  • How do contributions to science, mathematics, art, literature, etc., express the Catholic 耶稣会的使命?
  • What does the painful history of slaveholding at Saint Louis 大学 require of 我们今天?
  • What is the “current history” being written by the 耶稣会的使命 today?

Session 4: The Universal Apostolic Preferences
  1. Jesuit Works and Global Collaboration
  2. 洞察力
  3. Walking with the Marginalized
  4. Creating a Hope-filled Future
  5. Caring for our Common 首页


A sense of the global 耶稣会的使命 by providing an overview of the four Universal Apostolic Preferences:

  • How do current global realities impact what we do here at Saint Louis 大学?
  • How can I contribute to the work of the 耶稣会的使命 in light of these preferences?
  • “Think globally; act locally.——帕特里克·格迪斯

Session 5: Jesuit Higher Education
  1. Education as Ministry
  2. Education of the Whole Person
  3. Education as a Transformative Project
  4. The Network of Jesuit Education


The distinctiveness of Jesuit education:

  • What does it mean to “care for the whole person”?
  • How does Saint Louis 大学 make education about more than information and academic progress?
  • Why is it significant that Jesuit universities collaborate nationally and globally?
  • “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.“亚里士多德

Session 6: The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
  1. 语境:我们是谁?
  2. Experience:  what has occurred?
  3. Reflection:  what was the meaning?
  4. Action:  what must we do?
  5. Evaluation:  how do we serve a higher purpose and greater good?


A sense of Ignatian service, scholarship, spirituality through use of the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm:

  • How do the steps of the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm play out in the daily experiences 你的部门?
  • What is at stake if we are not deliberate about reflection before taking action?
  • What is required when we recognize we have failed?