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Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, sought and saw God in all things 他相信自己蒙召要与神同工. His vision of the world lies at the heart of the Jesuit method of teaching, research and service in place at Saint Louis University.

Saint Louis University’s Division for Mission and Identity invites you to discover what it means to work at a Jesuit university and the difference it makes to your profession and field of study.

一名牧师站在一名与耶稣会士一起参加爪哇会议的男子旁边. They're talking and smiling.

Introductory Level

Experience: A launch point to the mission formation opportunities through short presentations, 工作坊,服事浸入式,祷告经历,静修等等. 

Time Commitment:从一小时到一整天不等. 

Outcome: No specific project or follow-up. 

New Employee Orientation

For each new employee, these mission video modules serve as an introduction to the 博彩网址大全天主教耶稣会教育使命. Extending through the first year of employment, this program also offers opportunities for community-building 通过组队和特派团导师的陪同.

Advent and Lenten Twilight Retreats

Once each semester, in preparation for Christmas (fall semester) and Easter (spring semester), an evening retreat is offered for all 博彩网址大全 colleagues to come away for quiet 在繁忙的假期准备期间进行反思和祈祷,以重新集中精力和恢复精神.

Book Club

Each semester, a mission-focused book is available to read, reflect on, and discuss for a month. 一个介绍性的聚会为阅读定下基调,可选的小 group discussions are offered, and a final luncheon with a related keynote presentation 提供了反思博彩网址大全耶稣会和天主教使命的机会.

Immersion Trip Panel

Soon after spring break, students, faculty and staff who participated in spring break immersion trips speak about their experiences through the lens of the Jesuit mission.

Liturgical Ministry

Every week during campus Masses and during the year at liturgical services, various 需要事工来提升博彩网址大全社区的属灵体验.

Campus Kitchen and Billiken Bounty

Operating year-round, these student-led organizations rely on volunteers to help prepare, 包装,并为博彩网址大全学生和食物不安全的邻居提供食物.

One-time Volunteer Opportunities

Various service opportunities coordinated by the Saint Louis University Center for Social Action allow for short-term investment in becoming people for and with others.


Impromptu panel discussions are offered in collaboration with university partners, 在具有重大社会、政治、文化或社会意义时,作为对话的媒介 宗教经历影响着我们的世界.

Ignatian Pedagogy Institute
Each spring, the Reinert Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning offers this 为教师举办为期一天的研讨会,将教学与依纳爵的原则联系起来.  A three-year 主题周期允许更深入的参与,如果需要的话.
Magis Brown Bag Lunches 

Once a month, a topic that connects the Jesuit mission to 博彩网址大全’s current reality will 由博彩网址大全的教职员工或领导提出. Offered during the lunch hour, each 会话处理在博彩网址大全伊格纳爵身份的不同方面:

  • 依纳爵灵修:行动中的修行者
  • Ignatian Prayer 
  • Discernment of Spirits 
  • 精神与行动的结合 
  • 依纳爵教学法:使命的实施
  • 伊格那爵的教学范式,解释 
  • 分裂世界中的耶稣会大学 
  • Leading from Mission 
  • 依纳爵服务:公正的信仰
  • St. Ignatius and 博彩网址大全’s Mission Today 
  • 为他人而成为男人和女人 
  • Mission和DICE的交集  

Deepening Level

Experience: A deeper dive into the mission formation areas through multi-session seminars, community engagement, retreats, and more. 

Time Commitment:通常是整个学年持续的短期承诺. 

Outcome: No specific project or follow-up. 


This four-week lunchtime series occurs annually on 博彩网址大全's campuses, deepening participants’ 对圣. Ignatius.  

Weekend Retreat

Once each semester, an Ignatian retreat is offered off-campus, beginning on Friday 晚上和星期六晚上结束.  这会让参与者下沉更多 深入了解依纳爵的灵性. In coordination with 比利肯教师团,教师或工作人员每月与比利肯见面 Teacher Corps participant, serving as a mentor for teaching in the Jesuit tradition.

Ignatian Mentor
In coordination with the Billiken Teacher Corps, faculty or staff members meet monthly with a Billiken Teacher Corps participant, serving as a mentor for teaching in the Jesuit tradition.
Center for Ignatian Service
Committed volunteers for the academic year (weekly or monthly) offer help at a local site dedicated to helping our under-served 博彩网址大全 neighbors, usually in an educational setting.
Staff Mission Liaison
Staff members from departments across the university meet monthly to liaise with the Division of Mission and Identity. 他们提供输入,获得更有目的的想法 and meaningful integration of the mission, and convey mission initiatives in their departments.
Faculty Mission Liaison
Faculty members from differing departments meet monthly to serve as liaisons to the Division of Mission and Identity, providing input and gaining ideas for more purposeful and meaningful integration of the mission and conveying mission initiatives in their departments.
Mission Mentor
博彩网址大全 colleagues who are well-versed in the mission and identity of the university can 接受培训,成为新员工的任务导师.  导师在学术期间每月会面一次 year with a new colleague (ideally in the same department), starting after completing 前三个任务模块来自新员工入职培训.

Immersive Level

Experience: An immersion into the mission formation areas through program participation, service 项目,扩展的静修体验,等等. 

Time Commitment:通常每月承诺一小时到一天到一夜. 

Outcome: Varies by activity, but generally a short-term personal or professional development project. 

ICP @ 博彩网址大全

在两年的时间里,参与者承诺每月举行一次会议,每年举行一次静修活动 与博彩网址大全不同群体(教职员工和领导层)的年度服务经验.)  仿照耶稣会的依纳爵同事计划 Colleges and Universities, the ICP @ 博彩网址大全 allows participants to be immersed in Ignatian spirituality, the faith that does justice (service,) and Ignatian pedagogy in ways 这进一步推动了他们个人和专业的使命.

Mentoring for Mission in Teaching

In collaboration with the Reinert Center, full-time faculty members commit to a year of study and small group work to develop interdisciplinary and mission-driven courses.

19th Annotation Retreat

参与者承诺每周与学术的精神导师会面 每年,他们都沉浸在圣. Ignatius as a “contemplative in action.” 

Immersion Trip

参加者加入另类春假学生团体与 Campus Ministry.


与监狱教育计划合作,参与者承诺一年 为那些被监禁的兄弟姐妹们服务或者为 incarcerated.


与变革劳动力学院合作,参与者承诺 year of personal and/or professional accompaniment for persons returning to the workforce after incarceration.

Cura Personalis Course

In collaboration with the University Undergraduate Core, faculty or staff teach a section of Cura Personalis 1, 2, or 3. 

Ignite Seminar

In collaboration with the University Undergraduate Core, faculty teach an Ignite First Year Seminar.

iSERV Scholars

In collaboration with the College of Philosophy and Letters, faculty register one (或更多)他们的课程纳入依纳爵服务辅修.

Fluency Level

  • Experience: Integrating all the mission formation areas through engagement with AJCU partners and programming, national seminars, Ignatian retreats, international immersion trips and more.
  • Time Commitment一年到两年的国内和/或国际出差.
  • Outcomes: A department-specific project for furthering the mission in teaching, leadership, research or Ignatian principles. 
Arrupe Fellowship 

A year-long capstone program after completion of the ICP @ 博彩网址大全, culminating in an Ignatian pilgrimage in Spain with colleagues from other Jesuit universities in the AJCU.

Ignatian Colleagues Program

An expansion of the Jesuit mission and identity through participation in a national 与AJCU的其他耶稣会大学合作.

Ignatian Colleagues Retreat

A six-day silent Ignatian retreat offered in collaboration with colleagues from other Jesuit universities.

Leadership Institute

A year-long professional development program designed for the mission formation of 管理人员和教师的领导职位,提供与合作 来自AJCU其他耶稣会大学的同事.


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