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Six Things You Should Know 关于博彩网址大全 Online Programs

在博彩网址大全,我们的 在线专业学习学校 (SPS) certificates, bachelor’s and graduate degrees are as diverse as our student body. 我们提供 all kinds of in-demand education and training that can be accessed 从世界上任何地方通过你的笔记本电脑.

Many colleges and universities claim to have excellent distance learning options. So what sets 博彩网址大全’s online programs apart from other schools? Keep 通过阅读找到答案.

A woman sits in a library with a lap top in front her on a work table


As an online student in the 专业进修学院 (SPS) at 博彩网址大全, you will get the same high-quality education you would on campus. 所有博彩网址大全学生 receive the same unparalleled support services, no matter what or how they study. Our academic coaches and student engagement specialists are experts in helping you 为学生和专业人士的成功做好计划.

Regardless of which program you choose, you’ll have access to the following:

1. 世界一流的教育,无与伦比的声誉

Founded in 1818, 博彩网址大全 is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected universities. The 专业进修学院 has been offering dynamic, non-traditional programs 专为成人学生设计超过60年.

Our long-standing tradition in online education began in 1996. 从那以后,我们一直 committed to providing high-quality distance learning options, which has helped us earn recognition as one of the top 10 best universities for online programs.

博彩网址大全 也被列为 on the U.S. News & 世界报道’s list of 2023’s “Best Value 学校” for the past seven consecutive years. Plus, we're one of only 15 Catholic universities with a “high” or “very high” research activity 卡内基基金会的分类.

2. 快速友好的录取

Within days of receiving your application for a 博彩网址大全 online program, an admissions counselor will reach out to discuss next steps and address any questions or concerns. Our goal is to connect all of our students with the right program.

We specialize in helping students of all kinds, including:

3. 重要的使命

SPS was founded in 1963 to address the burgeoning need for comprehensive college education 成人学习者. Since then, we have evolved into one of the most innovative, adult-focused 国内的项目. Our mission is service-focused and we challenge students to not only train for a career, but to find your higher purpose through your professional calling.

博彩网址大全’s Catholic identity and Jesuit tradition of educating “the whole person” — mind, body and spirit — prepares ethical leaders ready to take on the world on and make 它更好. 在真正的 Jesuit fashion, at 博彩网址大全 ideas become action and serving others is a way of life. 超过 我们有80个班是综合的 服务学习 融入课程. And, outside of the classroom, students, faculty and staff devote 多于1.每年为社区服务600万小时.

4. 加速打造无缝的在线体验

The 专业进修学院 is 博彩网址大全’s innovative online segment that combines the prestige of our nationally ranked university with the flexibility of virtual learning.

Our 100% online programs have multiple start dates, meaning you can begin when the 你的时间正合适. 我们提供 eight-week terms instead of a traditional 16-week 学期,这样你就可以更快地实现你的学习目标. 利用自己的时间学习 earn up to 30 credit hours per year with the full support of our faculty and staff 在虚拟学习环境中.

And if you think you’ll be missing out on interacting with your professors, think again. “It was just as beneficial as going in person, the instructors were present 博彩网址大全在线毕业生雪莉·麦克泰勒说. 她解释说,材料 were clearly laid out and every professor gave examples of how to apply what was learned 在现实生活中.

“It wasn't easy, by any means, but the professors made it accessible, understandable, 而且几乎是防故障的,”麦克泰勒补充道.

5. 认可的在线培训需求的职业

博彩网址大全 constantly assesses industry needs to determine what kind of job training employers 在员工中追求最多的是什么. 这帮助我们塑造了我们的课程,从护理 领导力项目到IT认证等等. 我们致力于提供帮助 meet market demands for important jobs of all kinds and ensuring our students are 为毕业后的成功事业做好准备.

No matter if you’re pursuing a certificate, bachelor’s or master’s degree, your hard 工作不会白费. All SPS online courses are designed to be completed by adults 谁是兼职还是全职工作. 它们的特色是相同的高质量课程, experienced faculty members and challenging environment as traditional classes at 博彩网址大全.

All of 博彩网址大全’s online degrees are comprehensive, rigorous and fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and 学校. 自1916年以来,博彩网址大全一直获得认证.

6. 高价值教育的财政支持

As an SPS graduate, you can earn a prestigious 博彩网址大全 degree at a fraction of the cost 一个传统的学位. Our 减免学费的价格具有竞争力 和当地其他成人项目合作. 另外,在博彩网址大全,十分之九的学生都能拿到 financial assistance — and, yes, our online students are eligible for scholarships 财政援助.

我们提供 奖学金项目 that are awarded based on academic merit, financial need and diversity, among other areas. Veterans, active military and first responders may receive additional tuition 折扣. Learn more about how tuition and student loans work plus how to finance 我们的博彩网址大全教育 网上理财教育中心.


No matter how you learn or who you are, 博彩网址大全 is here for you every step of the way. “I have to say the most exciting moment of my life is the day I decided to enroll at 博彩网址大全,” says SPS graduate Shadheida Hudson. “了解支持的程度 the academic advisors were made me feel like there was space for me. 所以我取了 这是我做过的最好的决定!”

你准备好迈出这一步了吗? Explore 博彩网址大全’s online certificates, bachelor’s and master’s degrees today.




