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Diversity in STEM: How 博彩网址大全 Is Helping to Meet a Critical Need


近年来,对专业人才的需求明显激增 in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In fact, national statistics STEM领域的就业机会增长速度快了近5倍 than in non-STEM sectors. 

在这种高需求中,密苏里州和全国各地的雇主都面临着一个问题 significant shortage of skilled STEM workers. 各种挑战,如有限的机会和可访问性问题 阻碍了新兴STEM人才有效教育途径的发展, particularly among marginalized communities. 

针对这一问题,博彩网址大全(博彩网址大全)与世界卫生组织合作 Office of the Director of National Intelligence 来解决密苏里州合格的STEM专业人员短缺的问题 and beyond. 

博彩网址大全 STEM graduate, Akshay Mulera, studying on his laptop on campus.

Meeting a Critical Need

The U.S. 情报机构是各部门相互联系的重要纽带 that depend on a diverse and knowledgeable STEM workforce. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence works to lead and support this community. This work includes 为旗下18家不同的机构培养源源不断的专业人才, 从国土安全部(DHS)到联邦调查局 (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 

认识到培养一个强大的人才库的重要性,情报 Community established the Centers for Academic Excellence program. 这项竞争激烈的计划为选定的大学和大学提供补助金 全国各地的大学都致力于为学生的职业生涯做好准备 in national security. Emphasizing diversity in gender, race and geography, the program 旨在确保未来情报专业人员的多元化和包容性.

In 2022, 博彩网址大全 secured a significant $2.5 million grant to establish the 中西部学术卓越情报社区中心(MW-IC CAE). 该中心是一个枢纽,提供教育途径和资源 旨在培养具有竞争力和多样化的新兴STEM人才. 

博彩网址大全领导着一个由高等教育机构组成的联盟,努力招募人才 教育那些对在情报部门工作感兴趣的学生 national security fields.

“我们正在尽我们所能来帮助填补地方、地区和联邦的空白 levels,” explains Dr. Joe Lyons, Director of the Security and Strategic Intelligence program at 博彩网址大全 and the driving force behind the Center. 

通过与伙伴大学的战略合作,组织以行业为重点 活动和促进学生的国际学习机会的倡议 在这项享有盛誉的资助的催化下,正在重塑有抱负的STEM的前景 professionals throughout the region. 

Establishing Strategic Partnerships

缺乏STEM领域的高级教育途径一直是一个障碍 情报界努力维持一支强大的合格劳动力队伍 professionals. 位于博彩网址大全中西部学术情报社区中心的中心 卓越的使命是培养一个跨机构的教育工作者社区 培养下一代情报和国家安全专业人员. 

博彩网址大全致力于与地区大学合作推广STEM education and diversity,” Dr. Lyons notes. “Our collaboration with urban, rural and 林肯大学和哈里斯斯托州立大学等历史悠久的黑人大学 is expanding opportunities for student achievement.”

例如,与林肯大学(Lincoln University)的合作就有助于促进早期教育 transition to graduate school for qualifying students. Participants can earn a Bachelor 在林肯大学读了四年的理科硕士然后获得硕士学位 strategic intelligence or cybersecurity with just one additional year at 博彩网址大全.

“我们希望这一伙伴关系是众多为先进STEM提供途径的第一个 education,” Dr. Lyons explains. “Together we can give these students access to opportunities 这将扩大他们的职业轨迹,并有助于弥合行业差距.”

Creating Opportunities for Underrepresented Students

该中心还与区域行业专家和代表密切合作 from various U.S. intelligence agencies to curate a diverse range of events, training 为博彩网址大全、林肯大学和哈里斯大学的学生和教师量身定制的课程和资源 Stowe. 这包括邀请杰出的演讲者到校园,策划大规模的 行业聚会,为研讨会和招聘会提供支持. 

“For example, each year we host a one-day symposium conference. This year’s focus is on artificial intelligence and national security,” Dr. Lyons shares. “We also host events on the campuses of Lincoln and Harris Stowe. The Center helps fund events at all three locations.” 

此外,该中心还建立了一个以国家安全为重点的海外留学项目 在西班牙马德里的校园里,学生们花一个月的时间学习欧洲知识 security issues. “We’re excited to be able to offer this one-of-a-kind experience to students,” Dr. Lyons says. “The trip is fully funded. We’re trying to make it accessible for students who wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity like this.”

建立该中心的联邦拨款推动了博彩网址大全的奉献精神 增加代表性不足的学生的机会,同时扩大获得 STEM talent globally.

“拨款的目标不仅仅是培养STEM人才,还要培养多元化的人才 STEM人才的管道——这指的是许多不同方面的多样性。” Dr. Lyons adds. 

博彩网址大全的中西部学术卓越情报社区中心(MW-IC CAE) 努力培养一支代表全方位多样性的STEM劳动力队伍, 包括性别、种族、民族、年龄、体能和地理位置.

“你需要一个能反映它所服务的大众的劳动力,”他说. Lyons emphasizes. “我们需要各行各业的人,我们的目标是让这成为可能 reality.” 

Strengthen the Strategic Intelligence Community with 博彩网址大全

随着STEM职业的不断发展,博彩网址大全仍然致力于锻造 pathways for advancement within the regional Missouri area. But it’s certainly not 不需要别人的支持和合作也能完成的事情 当地社区、合作大学和更广泛的情报界. 

如果你对情报机构和国家安全的多样化感兴趣 在博彩网址大全获得STEM学位后,你可以从事的职业,探索其中的机会 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security can provide some valuable insights. Learn more about these compelling career paths in our article “10 Types of Homeland Security Careers Worth Considering.” 

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