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Beer is one of those beverages that unites people from almost all walks of life. 是否 you only enjoy it freezing cold and golden on a hot day or you’re obsessed with trying all kinds of 酿造, understanding some basic beer terminology could come in handy.

So, if you want to 酿造 at home or impress your friends at the bar — or even make a career out of beer — familiarize yourself with the following 25 beer terms.

A man stands in front of a tank of beer writing on a clipboard


Most people’s relationship with beer starts as a consumer. 让我们从覆盖开始 some basic words and phrases used to accurately describe beer’s unique tastes, styles, 和质量.

1. 酒精含量

酒精含量 stands for “alcohol by volume” and varies significantly according to beer style -甚至在样式中. This is a universal measurement that indicates the “strength” of the beer, describing the total volume of liquid in a beer that is made up of alcohol.

2. Maltiness

Maltiness refers to how sweet a beer tastes — more malt means more “sweetness.”

3. Body

“体”指的是饮料的口感. 低胸啤酒感觉更瘦,口感更低 easily, while a high-body beer coats your mouth and lingers.

4. Head

The “head” of a beer is the foamy, frothy white top that appears when poured. 它是 是由于二氧化碳气泡上升到顶部造成的. 健壮的头脑是可取的 because it prevents the beer from going flat and contains much of the aroma from the 酿造.

5. 伊布·

这代表“国际苦味单位”.“伊布·测量的是百万分之一 of isohumulone in the beer, which is the acid that gives it its bitter bite. 越高 伊布·越浓,啤酒的味道就越苦.


Maybe you’re ready to take a deeper dive into the world of beer and want to learn 如何制作自己的呢. Brewing science can be incredibly complicated and involves a lot of precise measurements, careful biochemistry and impeccable sterilization methods. Keep reading for some basic 酝酿 terminology to help you get started.

6. 土豆泥

“土豆泥ing” is the process of soaking malted grains in water to release their sugar. 土豆泥是指泥浆混合物本身.

7. 啤酒花

During the 酝酿 process, flowers from the hop plant are added to enhance bitterness, 啤酒的味道和香气.

8. 酵母

This is a microorganism that “eats” sugars and produces alcohol as a result.

9. 麦芽汁

麦汁是从捣碎过程中提取出来的液体. 它含有所有的糖 that will be turned into alcohol with the help of yeast and fermentation.

10. 发酵

发酵 is the process by which yeast consumes the sugars in wort and produces alcohol and 二氧化碳.

11. 重力

在酿造术语中,“重力”是对密度的测量. 表示数量 发酵前啤酒麦芽汁中溶解的糖. 酿酒师测量原汁 gravity (OG) to understand how much alcohol will be produced and approximate the final 该批次的酒精含量.

12. 调节

After fermentation is complete, the beer must go through a “conditioning” period where 它被允许成熟和碳酸盐.

13. 纯净的

This is the process of separating sweet liquid wort from spent grains after mashing.


Generally speaking, most beer falls into one of two main styles: ale and lager. 但 麦酒和贮藏啤酒有什么区别?

在温暖的环境下(60-75°F)发酵啤酒. 因为酵母在高温下工作得更快 temps, ales are often faster to produce — some take as little as two weeks. 啤酒, on the other hand, ferment in “low and slow” environments (40-50ºF) and are typically 两到五周后准备好.

There are thousands of kinds of beer in the world — every culture puts its own twist 在这种古老的饮料上. 以下是几种常见的流行啤酒款式 在美国.S.

14. 淡色麦酒

淡色麦酒s are typically golden in color and have a pleasing balance of malty and hoppy 味道.

15. 印度淡啤酒(IPA)

ipa啤酒无疑是美国最受欢迎的啤酒之一.S.这些麦芽酒很有冲劲 苦啤酒花. Many 酿造ers choose to add fruity notes to their IPAs to round out 浓郁的味道.

16. 小麦啤酒

These beers stand out because their main grain is wheat rather than barley. 他们有 a heavy mouthfeel, are low in bitterness, are often 味道ed with juicy fruits.

17. 美国啤酒

美国啤酒s are slightly malty, with low 伊布· and smooth body that makes them very 可饮用的.

18. 酸啤酒

As you can guess from the name alone, this type of beer is noticeably sour and acidic. To attain this signature taste, 酿造ers add bacteria that eat up the sugar in the 酿造. Many sour beers have a “funky” taste that is complemented by fruits of all kinds, 包括柑橘和浆果.

19. 邓克尔

This smooth lager comes in many shades of brown and is dependably high in malty 味道. Many 酿造ers add notes of coffee or rich, sweet additives like chocolate and caramel.

20. 行李搬运工人

行李搬运工人s are noticeably dark in color because the malted grains are roasted before 酝酿. 它们通常酒体厚重,味道甜美.

21. 结实的

烈性黑啤酒也是不错的选择 黑暗的啤酒 that may look similar to porters but are made with un-malted roasted barley and are 通常更苦.


Even if you don’t end up 酝酿 and selling your own beer, the following terms can help you make informed decisions about your beverage choice at the store or the bar.

22. 精酿啤酒

酿酒商协会定义了精酿啤酒 as being produced in small, independent 酿造eries that emphasize quality, 味道 和创新.

23. 酿酒厂

A small 酿造 operation that typically produces less than 15,000 barrels of beer per 一年.

24. 会话啤酒

A “session” beer typically has low alcohol content (around 5% 酒精含量 or less) and is 非常清爽,酒体轻盈. 我们的目标是酿造一种非常适合饮用的啤酒 并且可以在短时间内享用.”

25. 季节性啤酒

季节性啤酒 are designed to coincide with holidays (or the changing of the seasons). 你可能会 see eggnog-inspired stout for the winter or summer shandy during hot months.


If you read through all of the information above and are still thirsty for more knowledge, 也许你将来会接受更正规的教育. 拥有酿酒在线证书 Science and Operations from Saint Louis University, you can launch your beer career 仅仅一年的时间.

Our local experts will teach you all about the scientific processes of 酝酿, beer style and evaluation, 酿造ery management, the significant impact of fermented 社会上的饮料. 了解更多信息 访问我们的项目页面 今天!




