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Firsthand Advice on How to Balance School and Work

如果你是一个正在考虑重返大学的成年学习者,这是很正常的 想知道如何在你的家庭和个人生活中平衡学校和工作 commitments. 博彩网址大全(博彩网址大全)的专业研究学院提供餐饮服务 对于那些已经习惯了同时处理几件事情的在职成年学生来说.

我们邀请了他们中的一些人来分享他们是如何获得成功的,这样你就可以从他们的成功中学习 experience. 实施下面列出的一些有用的习惯可以帮助建立 a healthy balance as you begin your educational endeavors.


Six Tips for Adult Students Balancing Work and School

有了正确的策略,即使是最忙的时候,也可以适应学校 schedules. 下面你会找到6条关于如何平衡工作和学习的可靠建议 that can help you meet your educational goals.

1. Commit to a Time Management System That Works for You

有很多相互竞争的责任肯定会让你不堪重负 don’t have a solid time management system in place. Keeping a master schedule or list 你所有的时间紧迫的任务,会议,和其他承诺和到期 dates is crucial to your success.

No two calendars or systems are the same, but consistency is key. Try out different 策略和组合的颜色编码,时间阻塞(见#3),闹钟,应用程序, etc. Once you find something that’s working for you, stick to it!


通过有意识地管理你的时间,你可以充分利用每一天,按时完成任务, 减少压力,让自己处于成功的最佳位置.

2. Get Clarity on Your Goals and Commitments

花点时间反思你在学术和专业上的目标和抱负 life. Understand what you want to achieve and why it is important to you. Having this 清晰能让你有效地分清轻重缓急,做出正确的决定,并保持动力 when times get tough.

Try the following exercise to help you get started:

博彩网址大全校友、专业学院副院长特洛伊·哈格罗夫(Troy Hargrove)表示 在博彩网址大全的研究中,他对考虑重返学校的成年人的最好建议是 first ask themselves things like: Is now the right time to do this? Why am I doing this? What am I hoping to accomplish here?

“不管你的理由是什么,你必须知道现在是时候这么做了. And 你必须知道你有支持系统来做到这一点,”哈格罗夫说.

3. Get a Handle on Your Procrastination Habits

大多数人至少有时会拖延,在某种程度上这是正常的 推迟那些看起来无聊、混乱、困难或复杂的任务. This can 然而,成为一个严重的问题时,无法开始或完成重要 任务会阻碍你实现目标和梦想.

关于与慢性拖延症作斗争的人有一个误解,那就是他们很懒 and unmotivated. In reality, their habits often stem from caring too much, not too little. 他们可能会与完美主义或焦虑以及对创造的恐惧作斗争 不符合高(或不可能)标准的东西也会成为任务 intimidating to even start.


有了一些积极的计划和积极的态度,你可以努力扭转你的 拖延症倾向,开始在工作和学习中充分发挥你的潜力 and life in general.

4. Strive for Progress, Not Perfection

作为一名成人学习者,重返校园是一项巨大的承诺,需要很多 hard work and, naturally, you want to do your best. You should always strive to be great, but don’t let perfectionism become a roadblock.

你不可能在每一项任务上都花那么多时间,所以要集中精力 尽你最大的能力去做事情,从你遇到的任何错误中吸取教训 along the way. Steady, consistent progress is the goal – nobody is perfect.

5. Take Advantage of Your School’s Services and Resources

作为一名在职学生,选择一所生源充足的学校是很重要的 support services. This is an area that 博彩网址大全’s School for Professional Studies takes seriously. 我们的教师总是第一个和最好的信息来源 to courses, but we also provide additional specialized academic support and resources to help adult learners.

Some examples include:

博彩网址大全 graduate Helena earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Security and Strategic Intelligence in 2017. 她回忆说,她的学术教练是一位令人难以置信的激励者 out how to balance school and work with the rest of her life. “He shared some of his 作为一个成人学习者,有孩子和家庭的个人故事. And that really helped set the tone,” Helena says.

6. Practice Self-Care and Ask for Help When You Need It

吃满意的有营养的食物,运动你的身体,和爱人共度时光 个人和把时间花在兴趣爱好上都是保持良好身心的必要活动 and emotional health. Getting enough sleep is also crucial, as your body heals and recharges through rest. While it may be tempting to stay up all night scrolling on 你的手机,试着限制这些类型的狂欢,而是把你的时间花在阅读上 before bed or simply going to sleep earlier.  

优先考虑自我照顾将有助于提高你的整体幸福感,使你能够 perform at your best in all areas of your life. But it’s also important to know your limits and ask for help when necessary.

博彩网址大全毕业生的妻子埃里卡·威利斯解释说:“你不能靠自己获得学位。 Keith Willis. “It takes a village; family members kicked in. I have to say the school offered a lot of support as well. Truly we were not alone on our journey to get him across that stage.”

Choose an Online Degree That’s Designed for You

通过实施这六个建议,你可以在你的教育和生活之间取得健康的平衡 pursuits and everything else going on in your life. Are you still on the hunt for flexible degree options that work with your schedule?

Explore 博彩网址大全’s online programs 今天找到了本科、证书、研究生和学士后证书 programs designed for busy learners like you.

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